
6 Tips for Beginners to Aid in Mastering Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

Are you looking for a way to lose weight without restrictive eating a diet? Rather than limiting where calories come from, the intermittent fasting approach to losing weight schedules meals in a certain time frame to prevent overeating.

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For some, this approach is much easier to maintain than the typical diet. If you are new to intermittent fasting, how can you get started toward meeting your weight loss goals?

1. Identify Needs, Goals, and Consult a Healthcare Provider

To make sure that intermittent fasting will be safe for you, it’s recommended that you consult your healthcare provider. This method of weight loss may be dangerous for those with blood sugar, as well as those who are nursing or pregnant. In addition, it is wise to receive the help of a professional in identifying caloric and nutritional needs to help you safely reach your goals. Visit if you want to learn more about things to know if you wish to lose weight.

2. Start with a 12-Hour Fasting Schedule

Intermittent fasting doesn’t limit what foods you may eat (although a wide range of nutritious foods is suggested). Instead, meals are eaten during a set timeframe, preceding several hours of fasting. Beginners may find that fasting for 12 hours, followed by a timeframe of 12 hours where meals are eaten, is a favorable stepping stone to this process.

3. Skip Breakfast

An easy way to begin intermittent fasting is to skip breakfast. This elongates the period of fasting that takes place after the last meal of the previous day and through sleep. If you choose to fast for 16 hours per day, while eating during a period of 8 hours, a schedule of eating from noon to 8:00 PM may fit in line with your goals. Of course, this can be adjusted to match the plan that works for you, such as choosing to eat breakfast at 10:00 AM rather than noon.

4. Stay Hydrated

While you are in a phase of fasting, you want to avoid taking in calories but staying hydrated is key. Water can be taken in throughout the day, and black coffee and tea are also able to be consumed while fasting. Other beverages containing zero calories are acceptable.

5. Make Your Calories Count

With intermittent fasting, the aim is not to remove specific foods from your diet. This doesn’t mean that you should throw caution to the wind when sitting down to eat. Choosing healthy meals packed with the nutrition your body needs is suggested. Planning meals in advance can quickly take the guesswork out of this, especially if you are often on the go. Some have found that using a meal plan or cooking and freezing meals helps them stay on track.

6. Add a Healthy Fat to Your Last Meal

When preparing the last meal of your eating phase, add a tablespoon or two of healthy fat, such as avocado or a drizzle of olive oil. Doing this can help with balancing blood sugar levels while you sleep.

Intermittent fasting takes the restriction out of losing weight and has been shown to increase other health benefits, as well. If restricting food doesn’t match your lifestyle, intermittent fasting may be just what you need to reach your weight-loss goals.

Volodymyr Sava
Volodymyr Sava is a professional writer. He has the Breakthrough Power of Lateral Thinking. His writing is mind-blowing.

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