
5 Reasons to Monitor the Amount of Speeding in Residential Areas

Monitor the Speeding

Have you ever heard the saying “People are at risk of being hit by a car when they least expect it?” Well, this has some truth to it. Many people think of speeding as something that affects traffic flow. Yes, it does affect the flow of traffic but more importantly, speeding is dangerous! Did you know that about 30% of all drivers are estimated to be driving over the speed limit on any given day (NHTSA). That number can be even higher during bad weather; for example, snow or rain.

Speed limits are put into place to ensure that drivers drive at a safe speed. Speeding can lead to accidents and even fatalities. And, speeding is more common than you think in residential areas. Speeding is a concern of yours and others who live in your neighborhood and community!

1) Residents Might Put Themselves at Risk

People have been hit by a car when they least expected it or didn’t expect it at all. Speeding can cause one to lose control of their vehicle and hit a parked car, tree, or even a person. If you’re concerned for your safety, don’t take the risk! Monitor the amount of speeding in certain areas such as residential communities; maybe then people will get the hint that they need to slow down for everyone’s safety.

2) Residents Might Affect the Flow of Traffic

Speeding can cause a slow-down in traffic and it can be dangerous. The more cars that are speeding, the slower traffic will go. Then there is a lot of congestion and frustration with everyone wanting to get somewhere on time. A collision could happen even when someone’s just trying to merge into another lane. If you think traffic is an issue in your neighborhood, don’t take the risk of speeding and slow down for everyone’s safety.

3) You Wouldn’t Want Someone Near Your Family to Get Hurt

Speeding is dangerous! It can lead to fatalities and injuries; even if it’s someone near your family. Families live on the same street and you wouldn’t want something to happen to them or for them to get hurt.

4) Your Event Might Get Canceled

Speeding traffic can lead to your event being canceled. Maybe a block party that only lasts a couple of hours? Or maybe someone’s going to have a yard sale but due to congestion and speeding vehicles, they can’t make it outside to begin with. It’s frustrating when events are canceled due to speeding traffic in the area.

5) You Might Get a Letter from Your Association/Community

Do you think community associations are aware of all the problems that are occurring in their neighborhood? Maybe not all of them but they know there is an issue if they receive many complaints. Communities care about the safety of people who live there and speeding traffic is dangerous! If you receive a letter from your community/association, take it seriously; monitor the amount of speeding in certain areas.

In conclusion, speeding traffic is a concern that affects people. There are many reasons to monitor the amount of speeding in residential areas and it’s not just about your safety but the safety of everyone who lives there as well. Monitoring the amount of speeding can help improve traffic flow, protect those from being involved in collisions, keep residents safe on their streets, avoid cancellations of events, and even reduce the number of letters received from communities or associations.

Volodymyr Sava
Volodymyr Sava is a professional writer. He has the Breakthrough Power of Lateral Thinking. His writing is mind-blowing.

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