Home Improvement

Be Safe, Be Certain: What You Can (& Can’t) Put In Your Skip Bin

Skip Bin

One of the great satisfactions of being a homeowner is getting rid of the junk you’ve accumulated over the years. Whether it’s getting rid of garden waste, scrap metal or old household goods that have no purpose, there is a great satisfaction in knowing that you’ve freed up space in your home and made it more comfortable for each and every occupant!

But that doesn’t mean you can go throwing just anything in your hopper. Whilst you can throw more types of items in than you can’t you still have to leave out particular goods that could be dangerous to transport or hazardous for bin collectors.

With this in mind, here are a few things that you can and can’t throw in your hopper:

The can throws

Household goods

Has there been a bit of hoarding going on? Are there a few too many old newspapers stacked up dating back to the last time the Dragons won a premiership? Are there some broken household appliances that you thought you’d get around to fixing but it just didn’t happen?

If you answered yes to any of these then you can happily throw these in your Central Coast skips. They are simply made to contain household goods that you simply have no use for anymore. So, if there are a few too many things to simply go into the trash, or you have to do a big move cleanout, then the hopper is simply perfect for you.

Garden waste

Ahh, the working bee, the great Aussie excuse to clean out the garden and get rid of all that unnecessary green waste. Because, after all, who wants a garden that makes the home look like it’s been uninhabited for 40 years? You’ll have squatters peeking through the window looking for a place to crash!

Therefore, one of the best ways to get rid of plenty of green waste is through skip bin hire. It can handle a magnitude of green waste and ensure that your garden is fresh and vibrant (and doesn’t invite any unwanted visitors).

Scrap metal

Did you know you can swap old scrap metal for cash? Yep, that’s right, if you have any unwanted scrap metal that simply has no use in your home then your hopper team can simply come and collect in exchange for a little dough. It’s a win-win for you because it takes the metal off your hands whilst putting some cash in them as replacement.

And some others… bikes, books, building materials, carpet, furniture and timber etc.

The cannot throws

Food or liquids

These aren’t your home waste or recycling bins – they’re for big cleanouts of goods that need to go to the correct place of disposal. Therefore, please refrain from throwing mounds of rotting fruit and vegetables in your hopper – your collection team will not thank you for it.


Batteries consist of hazardous chemicals like acid and lead and therefore are not acceptable in hoppers. They can potentially leak and harm your collection team so please do not throw any batteries in your hopper.

Asbestos materials

There are professional asbestos teams out there and your bin hire team is not one of them. You are well aware that asbestos is a carcinogenic mineral and that is why you are attempting to get rid of it. But please just don’t do it with your collection team – they are not equipped to deal with this hazardous mineral!

Volodymyr Sava
Volodymyr Sava is a professional writer. He has the Breakthrough Power of Lateral Thinking. His writing is mind-blowing.

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