
3 Surprising Facts About the History of Cannabis Usage

Cannabis Usage

The history of cannabis usage is a fascinating one that has been shrouded in mystery for centuries. Many people have tried to unravel the truth behind this plant, but there are still many unanswered questions. Visit the website for more details if you’re curious about how cannabis extracts might improve your health.

In this blog post, we will look at some of the most interesting facts about cannabis and its long history with humans.

1. The world’s oldest stash of marijuana is over 2,700 years old.

In 1993, archeologists discovered a large cache of cannabis in a 2,700 year-old grave, which was located near the Jirzankal Cemetery high up in the Tian Shan Mountains on the border of China and Kyrgyzstan. The grave is believed to be that of a 25- to a 35-year-old shaman, and researchers believe that the cannabis may have been grown or collected for ceremonial purposes. The strain was much stronger than the types we smoke today, but it is still possible for people to experience mild hallucinations if they smoke 2,700 year-old weed.

In addition, there is evidence that cannabis was used as a psychoactive drug in ancient China, as early as the 15th century BC. It was believed to have been used by priests and shamans in religious rituals, but there is still debate over whether or not it was also used as a medicine.

2. Marijuana was legal tender in the United States until the 20th century.

In 1619, King James I decreed that colonists in Jamestown could legally grow and export hemp, a cannabis plant. Cannabis was so valuable at this time that it could even be used as currency. In fact, from 1631 to the late 1800s, you could even pay your taxes with cannabis. During this time, many of the country’s founding fathers grew hemp, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

Also worthy of mention, during this time, hemp was widely used to manufacture rope, textiles, paper, and clothing. However, things changed when the Mexican immigrants brought their “marijuana” to America at the turn of the 20th century. The popularity of recreational marijuana soared during this time, which led to an increase in anti-marijuana propaganda being pushed by the government.

3. There are 28 known medical benefits of marijuana.

As far back as 2900 BC, doctors prescribed marijuana for many illnesses and ailments, which is not surprising considering how valuable this plant once was. In modern times, researchers have been able to examine the benefits of marijuana further and have found that it can be used for several things, including reducing nausea, preventing blindness from glaucoma damage, controlling epileptic seizures, stimulating appetite in chemotherapy patients, and slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

The history of medicinal marijuana usage is a fascinating one, and it seems that the more we learn about this incredible plant, the more uses we discover. It will be interesting to see where science takes us next, but there is no doubt that marijuana will play a crucial role in our future.

In conclusion, the history of cannabis usage is long and fascinating, with many people trying to uncover its secrets. Although the most common uses for cannabis are recreational these days, it has also been used as medicine throughout history. This plant will likely play an essential role in our future, so please check out this article if you want to learn more about medical marijuana.

Volodymyr Sava
Volodymyr Sava is a professional writer. He has the Breakthrough Power of Lateral Thinking. His writing is mind-blowing.

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